Oil is an efficient choice for heating your home and Saveway Petroleum is a full-service company that provides much more than oil delivery!  We are here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year with skilled and experienced service technicians available to provide prompt delivery and service.

As a full-service energy provider, we offer all of the following for your home comfort:

  • Automatic Delivery
  • Quality Fuel Options: Oil, Propane, Kerosene, Diesel
  • 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Heating, Cooling, and Water Heater Service Plans
  • Heating, Cooling, and Water Heater Service and Installations
  • Budget Billing and Payment Options
  • Customer Referral Program
  • Prompt Payment Discount
  • …and more!

$100 OFF

Your First Oil Delivery

when you sign up for Automatic Delivery*!



Current Saveway heating oil customers may use the following form to request a refill.

We require a minimum of 7 business days’ notice, so if your tank is less than 30% full, please contact our office.  Additionally, if you need a quote, please contact our office or complete the quote request form on our homepage.



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Delivery Address

Oil Tank Protection

Just $39 plus tax per year for Heating Service Plan members! Heating oil tanks typically corrode from the inside out, undetectable to the homeowner. Ultrasound screening can determine whether your tank is wearing thin before a leak begins, protecting your home and the environment. Proof of a safe tank can save money on your homeowners insurance and be valuable when selling your home. Tank Protection benefits include:

  • Homeowners Insurance Discounts
  • EPA-Approved Ultrasonic Testing Technology
  • Tank Inspection Certificate
  • Proactive $1,000 Oil Tank Replacement Warranty
  • Transferable to next Homeowner



Request an Upgrade to Automatic Delivery

To prevent out-of-gas situations and avoid possible extra fees, we encourage all customers to consider upgrading
their account to Automatic Delivery